Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Work at Home Program

Here's a work at home program that offers several different programs to choose from. You can choose to become a Certified Field Product Auditor. This program allows you to survey companies, products, and services in your area. Next, you can become a Global Data Entry Processor. Here you can assist companies by submitting lines of data to the Internet and get paid for doing it. Next, you can be a market researcher. Companies pay you for doing research on hundreds of different subjects. How easy is that? There are several other options available. Comes with complete 60 day money back guarantee and is Web Assured Online certified as well as PayPal business certified.

Get started by clicking here!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sell Books on Ebay!

You have to admit, is there anything easier than selling something on Ebay? Here's a program that puts the selling power of Ebay to work for you. These days, books are cheap, but there is always a high demand for them. This program will teach you which books to sell, where to find them, and how to sell them on Ebay. Comes with full instructions and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee.

Start selling today here!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Typers Needed!

Here's a great way to get started doing typing jobs from home. This program has been featured by Susan Powter on "Stop the Insanity" infomercial. They feature an easy step by step program that anyone can follow. They type ads for literally thousands of companies from all over the world and you get paid for typing those ads. Companies use programs such as this not only to promote their products, but they save thousands on overhead by doing it themselves. If your looking for something easy to get started with, this is the perfect thing for you!

To get started, click here!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Work at Home- In Today's Economy?

In today's economy, families are struggling to make ends meet. People losing jobs right and left, medical bills piling up, and everyday life is definitely putting a strain on everyone. With the price of gas skyrocketing, working at home may be the only option some families have. This may seem farfetched at first, but if you dedicate yourself to doing it, follow the guidance and tutorials provided for you, you might find a light at the end of the tunnel
You can type in "work at home" on any search engine and you will be flabberghasted with the number of work at home opportunities out there. I've provided below some very excellent ideas, and as I previously stated, dedication and dillegence is the key. Start small and work your way up. Never give up! Jump in and work towards tomorrow!

Get started here!

Good Data Entry Program

Here is another good opportunity for a Data Entry work at home program. It's called Work at Home Data Entry. This opportunity is ideal for Dads (or Moms for that matter), who want to stay at home and work, or just to make some extra money on the side. They make it clear that this is not a get rich scheme, but you can make some nice residual income. Comes with a 100% money back guarantee and a support team with tutorials and guidance.

To learn more about this opportunity, click here.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Extreme Wealth Package

Yet another great start up program to get going working at home. The Extreme Wealth Package gives a step by step training guide that teaches easy to follow instructions on how to get started right away. They teach you how to use sites such as Google Adwords, Yahoo Overture, Clickbank, Commision Junction, and other numerous sites to start generating revenue.

To learn more about this program, click here.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Working From Home Discussed on "Good Morning America"

I found an interesting news article discussing working at home. The feature was shown on ABC program Good Morning America. The article was published by Tory Johnson, founder and CEO of Women for Hire. Interesting reading, indeed. To read the article, click here.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Data Entry Opportunity

Data Entry
There are several different sites that will offer you legitimate data entry jobs, but turn out to be scams. Be cautious and do your research. I've found a site that not only is legitimate, but gives you several different options on different data entry jobs. Those different options give you a program that is tailored to you. This site offers excellent training and support, typing tutorials, grammar lessons, and a free word processor. The program is unlike any I've ever seen! For anyone looking for a legitimate data entry job, you can't go wrong with this one.
To learn more CLICK HERE

Friday, September 5, 2008

Another Great Ebay Money Making Idea

I received some additional information on a different way to make money on Ebay. This program gives insight on how to sell ebooks on Ebay and make outstanding pofits.

To check it out, click here.

Online Surveys

Here's probably the easiest program of all. Sit at home, type your opinion, and get paid! Companies like Wal Mart, Nike, Ebay and other large corporations will pay you just for filling out an easy online survey. Those companies use the information you give to better their customer service or introduce new products. An easy job that only takes an hour or two, but the residual income is quite rewarding.
To learn more CLICK HERE

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Make Money on Ebay!

Make Money Selling on Ebay Using Wholesale Products
Here's another great program to have a look at. It's called Wholesale-Portal.com. Here you can list items on Ebay at retail prices, then when the product sells, you purchase the item at wholesale price, and pocket the profit! Some items you can buy wholesale at an 80% discount off the retail price. I'll take an 80% profit any day of the week! Your selling is not limited to just Ebay, but you can use classified sites, flea markets, or just about any place you can think of selling something!
To learn more CLICK HERE

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Here is yet another good idea for the work at home Dad. The program is called 3 Hour Profits. I know that just hearing the name, you're thinking "uh-oh another scam deal". Think again! This program is actually ranked by the BBBreviews.org webpage. To read more about the review,
click here. This program meets the criteria of having a step by step instruction program and also has a 60 day money back guarantee.

To learn more, click here.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I've seen thousands of programs catered to the "work at home" moms. What about the dads of the world who would like to stay at home and work, using the same programs that the moms use? Real work from home opportunities are abundant and can create real residual income. Operating a home-based business is just like any other--they require hard work and good products or services, and it takes time to make a profit. Learn how to work at home and earn a good income from the comfort of your home.

First, if you are looking to start a business, there are plenty of sites on the Internet with this information. Most of these sites require only a small start up fee, usually less than $50. You can get started right away and training is easily attainable. Without the right starting point, you will waste precious time and a ton of money. The key to making money online is knowing how and where to start working from home. But with proper research and the right knowledge, it is possible to start a legitimate business earning real money from your own efforts.

Second, if you think the work at home life is for you, here are some simple things to look for. When researching work at home businesses, check to see if any type of guarantee is given. Companies that do not offer any type of guarantee usually end up in scamming you out of your money. Use companies that use pay processors, like Pay Pal for example. Companies, such as Pay Pal, have strict codes of ethics that must be followed or the company will most likely be cancelled or face suspension.

To avoid falling for work-at-home scams, both on- and off-line, look for the following warning signs: Overstated claims of product effectiveness; Exaggerated claims of potential earnings, profits, or part-time earnings; Claims of "inside" information; Requirements of money for instructions or products before telling you how the plan works; Claims of "no experience necessary.

As you can see there are many different options for the Dads who want to stay at home and make good income. Keep in mind, that you do not have to stay at home 24/7 to do these jobs. Even if you want to make residual income, or income to support your current occupation, these opportunities mentioned above only take an hour or two a day to do. Some of these programs have even allowed individuals to quit their current jobs.

As stated before, make sure you do your research. Scams are on the rise, so please do your investigation carefully. I usually Google the company who is offering the program. You can find several reviews on the programs you are looking for. When doing your research, keep in mind the key points mentioned above, such as those who offer money back gurantees and those who use third party pay processors like Pay Pal. If you don't see any one or all of these key points, skip the program and look for a new one.